Saturday 24 September 2011

Number Six is Dead - Rover Got Him!

     What if, by some quirk of fate that the brief statement made to No.2 in The Schizoid Man, 'Number Six is dead, Rover got him!' was correct, that the Village Guardian did attack the wrong No.6, where would that leave Curtis, or No.2 far that matter? It would have been a piece of quick thinking on the part of Curtis, to see his fate laid out before him. Perhaps he would not be allowed to leave the Village. So what would be more natural for Curtis than to carry on maintaining the persona of No.6, in an attempt to escape the Village as No.6, thereby avoiding the wrath of both No.2 and perhaps even No.1. Of course Curtis would have to fool No.2 into thinking that he was No.6, and so would have to act accordingly, otherwise No.2 might smell a rat!
    But there was one flaw in Curtis' escape plan, in that he palyed the role of No.6 too well! Curtis might not have had to feign his somewhat nervous and strung up state, but he would have to pretend that he'd had no time to think about No.2's proposition, which No.2 had put to him since his arrival in the Village. To make nothing of the duff line about the General, Well not to report to him personally......For Pete's sake you know what I mean. Of course No.2 had never known Curtis quite so strung up, and remarked upon it, to which Curtis replied You mean I'm not as I was.
   Curtis' impersonation of No.6 was perfect, so perfect in fact that his performance put a nagging thought in the mind of No.2, who went off for a moment to have  aword with the helicopter pilot. After speaking with No.24, No.2 rejoined Curtis You won't forget to give my regards to Susan will you? I won't Curtis replied slipping on a blindfold. And that was the final flaw in Curtis' plan, and it would be enough to hang him! You see Curtis was too good, but although he knew that Susan had died a year ago he had to respond as No.6 would have done. After all how would No.6 have known that Susan had did a year ago? To answer No.2 any other way Curtis would have given himself away!
   So where did that leave Curtis and No.2? Well it would be an impossible situation. For No.6 to be so important to the Village Adminstration,perhaps for the very future of the Village, his death would have been unthinkable. So to save both No.2's bacon, and perhaps his own, Curtis would be doomed to go on living in the Village, not as himself, but in the guise and persona of No.6 in all respects, never once being able to allow his guard to fall in case he should be give himself away.   Be seeing you, whoever you are!

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