Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Prisoner Shop

   I was thumbing through an old book of information the other day, whilst looking up a name from the past, and there was a number of photographs, this being one of them. This is the bay window of the Prisoner shop at Portmeirion, as it used to be up until 2000, after which the shop was completely refurbished, and the bay window replaced with French doors, as it was originally, and seen in the Prisoner.
   I have to say that at certain times of the year, when visiting the Prisoner
shop is was cold and damp, enjoying an atmosphere all it's own. But the shop, which was run by Max Hora, was always amply stocked with all kinds of Prisoner merchandise. But it wasn't always easy to gain entry into the shop, it didn't open until 11am, and closed promptly at 5pm, and during that time, if a keen fan of the Prisoner having arrived at Portmeirion, keenly making a bee-line for the Prisoner shop, then he or she was sometimes faced with this...
a hand writen note on the door handle 'Back soon.' There used to be a warning sign upon the door, warning visitors that the shop was to do with the 1960's television series the Prisoner, that it might be confusing for people not familiar with the Prisoner. Well people did go in not knowing what they were walking into, and from time to time visitors to Portmeirion would go into the shop looking for an ice cream or a cup of tea, and Max would have to explain that this was not the tea shop or ice cream kiosk. And others simply wandering in and wandering out, wondering what it was all about! For me, it was like a sweet shop, filled with all kinds of goodies to buy.  Be seeing you.

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