Tuesday 27 September 2011

This Week I Am Most Watching - THEPRIS6NER

    Yes its that time again, to watch this much underrated series, and the fifth time of watching for me since its British premeir in 2010. I still have much appreciation for the series, although I think I have written all I can on the series in previously posted blog.
    Last night I began to see certain continuity errors in Arrival, the fact that at one point, just before the Prisoner helps the old man out in the desert, just for a few seconds, the Prisoner is wearing a different coloured shirt to the one he's wearing here. Then later after Six has stolen 147's taxi, he goes climbing the dunes and hills out in the desert, wearing a green jersey. He is still wearing that same jersey when 313 finds Six lying in the sand out there in the desert, and he's still wearing that jersey when he's lying in the back of 313's car. But as they arrive back in the Village, he's also wearing a green jacket, which he didn't have with him before! I suppose this goes to show how well I'm getting to know THEPRIS6NER09.
    A man wakes up in the desert, he doesn't know how he came to be there. Back in New York he has resigned his job from Summakor. The Prisoner tells Two that he wants to go back to New York. Two tells Six that there is no New York, there is only the Village. Inside Six knows that Six is Six, because Six is Village. That there is no out, there is only in. Six wants to escape, but there is no escape. To the old man 93 the Prisoner is a bloody miracle, because he doesn't come from there.
    Something else which I have observed - no-one in the Village actually pays for anything! In the Village of the original series, a taxi driver would have charged two Work Units for a taxi ride 'that will be two units' the dirver says 'Units?' asks the Prisoner 'Oh well, pay me nxt time, be seeing you.' But in new Village, 147 takes the Prisoner on two or three taxi rides, and never once attempts to collect the fare from his passenger! In the Village Shop, the shopkeeper asks the Prisoner what he can do for him, Six asks for a map and the Shopkeeper 37927 is only too pleased to be of service. In fact he tells the Prisoner 'Buy on map, get a second free, makes the perfect gift.' The Prisoner actually walks out of the Village Shop with one of the two maps in his pocket, yet once again the Shopkeeper makes no attempt to collect the money!
And there I was thinking I'd written everything there is to be written about THEPRIS6NER09, just goes to show you there's more to the series than first meets the eye.    Be seeing you
                        'Breathe in, breathe out, Village life goes on.'


  1. Did you ever come across this Blog?

    I think it must have been intended as some kind of viral marketing by someone connected with the AMC production, as it preceded the first showing of that remake. I quite enjoyed it at the time and only later realised it was not really a *genuine* blog. I expect it means what it is..... ;o))

  2. Hello Moor,

    I hadn't seen the blog you mentioned in your comment, so I logged on, took a look, but all I could find was Postcards from the Village, stuff on the 7 ages of 'the Prisoner,' with AMCtv picture of 'the Prisoner.'


  3. Oh yes.... There's nothing about the remake beacause it had yet to be broadcast. It seems to have been some kind of attempt to drum up interest in the old prisoner by posting complicated *theories*, and I suppose they then thought any controversy might help assist promotion of the new show. That's my best guess anyhow.

    I just enjoyed reading all the funny nonsense they were making up. I think the producers of the new show were more heavily into *allegory* than even Mcgoohan had been.

  4. Hello Moor,

    No of course not, how could there have been, THEPRISO6NER because it hadn't been broadcast at the time. I wasn't myself yesteday, not 100 percent health-wise, and so didn't take it all in properly. I'll take another look today, now that I'm more 'with-it.


  5. Hello Moor,

    I went back and had another look at http://tallyhonewsnetwork.blogspot.com/ as you say it is what it is. Funny in places, and deep in others. A genuine blog or not, someone has gone to an awful lot of work, time, and effort to produce it. I'll have to read that bit about Free Masonry again. Its deep, far deeper than McGoohan ever intended 'the Prisoner' to be I'll be bound.

    As ever
