Friday 28 October 2011

Caught On Camera!

     A picture from the Danger Man episode The Paper Chase. But who does Patrick McGoohan look like? See his attire, it's no wonder that fans have in mind that the Prisoner is the former John Drake! I wonder if that particular suit of clothes was from McGoohan's own personal wardrobe, or the wardrobe department at MGM Studios? As he does sometimes wear that suit and polo neck in other episodes of Danger Man.
Be seeing you.


  1. It has something of a 3-Act feel about it. The ‘third act’ takes place in a ‘safe house’. Everyone is a guest, but all are in hiding. The episode has a number of intriguing elements. A woman named Nandina runs the safe house. Played by Joan Greenwood, she could easily be seen as a putative Number Two in the village. She watches her ‘guests’ on a primitive CCTV system.

  2. Hello Moor,

    It does indeed now I come to think about it, in fact one of the working titles for 'A B and C' was 'Play In Three Acts,' although that's mere coincidence and has nothing to do with it really.
    I hadn't seen Nandina as a 2 type character, but yes she does have CCTV in all the guest rooms, keeping a close observation on the activities of her guests, who pay Nandina handsomely for a room in 'safe house.' Nandina tells Drake, who is using the alias of Troy Davidson, that there are only two rules for the house: no guns, and the respect of other guests privacy, they obviously don't know about the hidden camera in each of the rooms!
    Your comment certainly gave food for thought, and a curious parallel drawn.


  3. Hello David and Moor

    Another episode that bears a resemblence to The Prisoner is The Hunting Party. The isolated location, the use of drugs and hypnosis to extract Information, Drake as a butler,hidden cameras, the strange 'playroom' with the 'car race etc.

    Most interesting of all is how a very senior member of the House of Lords insists Drake bears an uncanny resemblence to another Lord's son .... perhaps this explains who No.6 was.



  4. Hello Mister Anonymous,

    That's a very interesting parallel you have drawn. I've seen 'The Hunting Party twice I think. Now I'm urged to watch it again. It is the second time Drake plays a Butler, or is it first, I suppose it all depends on whether or not the episode 'No Marks For Servility' comes before 'The Hunting Party' or not. Yes, hidden cameras, and Scalextric in the games room, and hidden cameras. Drake would have made an excellent observer. He was certainly a very able techinician.

    I liked your idea of Drake, who is said to look like another Lord's son might perhaps explain who No.6 was.....well the Prisoner might very well have handed in his letter of resignation in an office in the Houses of Parliament. That underground car park in the opening sequence, is but a short walk from the Houses of Parliament.

    As ever

  5. Hello Mister Anonymous,

    My wife had the idea this morning that if Drake bears an uncanny resemblence to another Lord's son in 'The Hunting Party', might that man not be Curtis of 'The Schizoid Man?' Perhaps you would care to run that one up the flag pole and see if the Colonel salutes it? I did.


  6. Hello David (& Wife)

    Curtis, very good.


    Mr. Anonymous

  7. Hello Mister Anonymous,

    Glad you appreciated it.

