Wednesday 12 October 2011

Collectors Corner

    This posting is more appropriate to Johnny Prisoner than myself, but here is a small selection from my Prisoner badge collection.


 I first began collecting badges such as these back in 1989, when I first visited the Prisoner shop in Portmeirion.

   The two enamel badges one blue, one green, have been described as being rare, and a pair of them on sale on ebay a couple of years ago for £16.99p each, they didn't sell!

    Some simply show the canopied Penny Farthing bicycle, others the Prisoner, and a few special anniversaries for the series. Such as the 25th and 30th anniversaries
     And that's all folks, because there is a danger of this post beginning to get boring, I mean what can you say about something as simple as a collection of Badges...........oh, too late! Perhaps I should have left it to J.P.    Be seeing you

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