Saturday 22 October 2011

It's Inexplicable!

   On the morning of the Prisoner's arrival in the Village, after he fails to make a telephone call, for the want of a number, the Prisoner is faced with an electronic 'Free Information' board. He scrolls down the 'Push and Find Out' menu, and with a finger selects 9 for a taxi.
    I suppose its not so much how the taxi arrived so quickly on the scene after the Prisoner pressed a button on the control panel that is in question here, but the fact that the taxi turned up at all when one was not requested. The Prisoner may have selected the number 9 for a taxi on the 'Press and Find Out' panel, but if you watch the film carefully, you will observe that the Prisoner actually presses the number 1 button, top left hand corner of the panel which would have indicated the Town Hall on the Map of the Village.
I'll be seeing you.

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