Tuesday 11 October 2011

Its Not What The Prisoner Can Do For Me....................

.............. Its More of What I Have Done For The Prisoner!

    Now that reads as being an extremely arrogant statement, but its a fact. The prisoner has done much for me in the past, the series taught me to ask questions, not to accept things as they are, and if injustice is seen, to shout out about it! And there was a time, when I was a goat amongst so many sheep. And when a goat comes amongst sheep, there is trouble! In later years the Prisoner gave me purpose, which became an obsession, now its more of a way of life, and never a day goes by when I don't think of the Prisoner, or write something about the series, oh, we're back to the obsession again! I have written letters and articles for magazines, have had my own magazine column Prismatic Reflection. And I have researched both the series, and all related material to such a degree and depth never before attained, and during that research The Prisoner has taken me on a journey, which has been enlightening, and educational at the same time.
   I have acted the role of No.6, taking on the persona of the Prisoner and Patrick McGoohan, as both are one and the same, in re-enactments from the series, both at Protmeirion, and live stage performaces. Self-published The Prisoner Variations, a book of short stories inspired by the Prisoner. Produced a film, Village Day, based on the series. Over the years I have been involved with Prisoner appreciation, a member of two fan clubs connected to the series, and for a time, helped organise a Local Group for the appreciation of the Prisoner. There have been interviews for magazines, on television on both sides of the English Channel, and on British radio. Is that arrogance, or pride talking? I hope it's pride, because I am proud of what I have done for the Prisoner over the years. Perhaps its not as much as some have done, but its more then most. And if one cannot blow ones own trumpet, things have come to a pretty pass, as No.2 might say.
   I am happy to give information to those who ask for it. My opinion is saught on occasion, and on others I am consulted from time to time. People do not always agree with me on what I have to say, and why should they? I do not expect people to agree, well perhaps now and again maybe. If everyone was in agreement with what the Prisoner is, or means, then there would be no debate, no conflict of ideas between fans, which would be all very boring.   
    Do I know all the answers to the questions posed by the Prisoner Patrick McGoohan and his Village? No, and I don't know anyone who does. Because no matter how well we come to understand the Prisoner series, there will always remain something which remains unfathomable. And that is the draw of the Prisoner, fourty-five years on, and the series is still as enigmatic as ever it was, and there are few television series you can say that about these days, although there are those television series which have had their moments.  
Be seeing you.

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