Tuesday 18 October 2011

This Week I Am Mostly Watching THEPRIS6NER

  Two is forcing Six to fall in love with 4-15. Back in New York Michael is falling love with Lucy, the same woman, because Lucy has been brought to the Village so as to have Six fall in love with her so to break his heart, which is what Two wants.
   With this episode Darling, there is a feel of A B & C about it, in the same way as Two works with the doctor 313 together in a laboratory, as No.2 and No.14 did. There is also a reinterpretation of the scene from Free For All when No.2 is talking to No.6 on the telephone, but through the television set, then just seconds later he's standing in the doorway of No.6's cottage, the mountain comes to Mohammed! A woman from the 'Modern Love Bureau' is speaking to Six through his television set, and then moments later she is at the door of his apartment! 832, the daughter of 147 and 21-16 falls into one of the holes that has appeared in the Village, and is lost forever to both 832's parents and the Village. 832 has suffered a Village death, and like those before her, has actually returned to her parents in New York. Another Village citizen to suffer a Village death, this time by suicide is 4-15, she throws herself into a hole so as to escape the Village. But there is a difference here, 4-14, or Lucy as she is in New York dies at the same time as Michael's apartment is blown up! This is the first and last time such an event takes place, and I shouldn't be at all surprised to learn that Helen-M2 was behind that explosion, killing Lucy. Because Lucy had betrayed Summakor and its company workings, explaining to Six why she was brought to the Village, and to Michael what Summakor is about, and what they are doing to him.
Be seeing you

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