Tuesday 25 October 2011

This Week I Am Mostly Watching THEPRIS6NER

    Two pays homage to that which has gone before, a symbol of a past Village.
   Schizoid shows that we all have our own problems, and if Six has mental problems, he should get mental help! The doctor 313 also has mental problems, which stems from childhood her mental and physical abuse. Two has faith in the Village, faith in his wife who has to remain in a heavily sedated state of unconsciousness so that she can keep dreaming. 11-12 doesn't know his mother, so Two allows 11-12 and M2 to have a day together so that they might get to know each other. The only trouble with that is, while M2 is awake, holes begin to appear in the Village! 11-12 wants to know about the 'other place,' because he wants to go there. For 11-12 the Village is no longer enough. But as his mother tells him, Village is best for them. And seeing as how anyone born of the Village can never leave it.............
    Six is seeing double! There is a two-times-Six in the Village, and he's out to kill Two for what he did to 4-15 in the previous episode. Six tells Two that two-times-Six is going to kill him. Two asks Six isn't that how he feels, so that it's Six who will try and kill him. It would seem, as we watch the episode, that Six and two-times Six are one and the same, the one alter ego of the other. That together they can beat Two. But the only problem with that is, Six can actually see his other self!
   And just to complicate matters even further, there is an Un-Two in the Village, a Two impersonator who is a danger to the Village. This Un-Two enjoys an illicit cigarette with 37927 the Shopkeeper, who does not sell cigarettes, and doesn't even know what they are. And for his sharing of an illicit cigarette with Two.....37927 is denounced as a two impersonator by Two, and taken away to the Clinic for treatment....we don't see 37927 again!
    11-12 asks his father where the Village is...... the Village is in here, of the mind. The mind is a very powerful place. For some the Village is a delightful dream, while for others it is a nightmarish place, and only through death is escape possible!
    The only trouble for me with this series, is that it is all too short. Next week sees Checkmate, the final episode......so soon, all too soon for my liking. But I suppose its like they say, good things come in small packages, and that saying can be applied to THEPRIS6NER.
 Be seeing you

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