Tuesday 18 October 2011

Thought For The Day

    I wonder how the Butler took to Martha, Mrs Butterworth's maid arriving in the Village and taking over the running of No.2's residence? Probably with his non-aggressive compliance no doubt, and was probably glad to be out of it. Because I'm sure Martha would not have taken to the Butler at all, and would soon have imposed her will on the day to day running of her mistresses new home in the Village. Well Mrs Butterworth would want her own house maid looking after her, not a Butler. So for a time our diminuitive friend would be out of a job.
    The Butler was also out of a job again when No.2 in Hammer Into Anvil turned on him, and told him to get out of the house. The Butler took that on the chin as well, and would have done quite literally, if No.2 had not restrained himself at this point. Again the Butler showed unquestioning compliance, and I have to say he cut something of a sad figure as he departed the Green Dome, coat and suitcase in hand. But no doubt he knew that he would return to his job at some point, when his new master eventually arrived, as surely he must, now that his current master had completely lost the plot!   Be seeing you.

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