Monday 24 October 2011

Thought For The Day

    During the de-briefing of the Prisoner on the day of his arrival in the Village, we learn that at some point, he was under surveillance. 'What was that' said No.2 'Sounded like a click, something in the mirror over there. Yes, over there too!' So just who was it that had the Prisoner undersurveillance? The administration for the Village, well I suppose that would all depend on which organisation, department, or country is behind the Village in the first place. Perhaps even, the Prisoner's own people! It might be that the Prisoner had become suspect, his loyalty perhaps being questioned. Is that why he resigned, he jumped before he was pushed? After all the Prisoner was going to meet Chambers to try to get him to change his mind before the 'big boys' found out, but they had Chambers, and so he talked!
    So having discovered that he was under surveillance, so he resigned and was going to run......but they came for the Prisoner before he was ready. He was expecting them? Well seeing as how the Prisoner was in such a rush to get away, I'd say so, but perhaps not quite so soon, and certainly not in the guise of two Undertakers, not that he saw who it was who came for him.
   So where was the Prisoner going in such a rush? Abroad obviously, the airline ticket told me that much. Paris perhaps......the Prisoner has a contact in Paris, Madam Engadine!                 BCNU.

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