Tuesday 15 November 2011

Caught On Camera

   The two pictures are taken from routine surveillance film footage of the Cypher Room when a daily prognosis of No.6 is being prepared. That is No.8 seated at the desk of course, but is that No.8's sister who passes her the prognosis report? The young woman has the same hair style to No.8. She is of the same build, her facial features bear a similarity to No.8, she could almost be her twin, not identical of course. She might be a clone, this Schizoid woman!         BCNU


  1. She's an attractive young lass for sure, but she's no Wanda Ventham. However if The Village ever do go in to the business of cloning Wanda can I be the first customer, please ;-)

  2. Hello Anthony,

    Wanda is a very attractive woman, however, and I think my wife will permit me to say this, Nadia Gray is my favourite in 'the Prisoner.' A very attractive lady who was never once asked about her role in 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' which I think was a pity.

