Tuesday 29 November 2011

Deafeat Snatched Out Of The Fire Of Failure!

Depending on how you look at it, as far as I can say, there was really only one successful escape made during the 17 episodes of the Prisoner, and that was made by Professor Jacob Seltzman in Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. This of course would be seen as a defeat for The Vilages administration, and for No.2 in particular. But not such as a defeat as the death of The Professor, and the destruction of the General of the episode of the same name. Okay, Professor Seltzman has escaped The Village, perhaps in a body not to his liking, the Colonel's. But at least The Village's administration still has the Seltzman machine, which they had before Seltzman was brought to The Village, and they did gain Seltzman's reversal process and the ability to change the minds of three people at the same time! Not only that, but at least they know exactly what Professor Seltzman looks like, when the search for Professor Seltzman recommences!  Be seeing you.


  1. Hello David

    It is likely that the professors brilliant mind was needed to operate his machine and it was destroyed in the retiring of it.

    They knew what the professor looked like before but still could not find him.


    Mr. Anonymous

    1. Hello Mister Anonymous,

      Well quite. I should think that Seltzman would change his appearence from that of the Colonel at the earliest opportunity. Whenever that might be.

      Is the appearence of Seltzman, as we first see him in 'the Prisoner' the original look of Seltzman?

      Be seeing you

  2. Hello David

    It would seem so as No.6 had no question as to his appearance .


    Mr. Anonymous

    1. Hello Mister Anonymous,

      Yes, but that would all depend on when it was that the Prisoner first met Seltzman. He did have a recent transparency of Seltzman which he showed to the waiter at the cafe, and by that he was able to recognise the Professor, otherwise the man the Prisoner met in Kandersfeld could have been anyone, someone from the Village perhaps.
      I think the Prisoner needed that transparency of Seltzman so as to be able to recognise him.
      As for Seltzman's appearance, we know practically nothing of Professor Jacob Seltzman.

      Kind Regards
      Be seeing you

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
