Tuesday 1 November 2011

Heroes And Villains

    Nadia Rakovsky is an agent working for the Village, or at least the administration behind the Village. But I don't think the Village was anything that she had been lead to expect, especially when it came to that white membranic mass of the Village Guardian. And she must have been taking her life into her hands when it came to that electrified floor in the Interrogation Room, trusting in No.2 to have the electric current turned off in time.
   Nadia is good at her job, she hooked No.6 and reeled him in with the promise that she knows the location of the Village, thus giving No.6 hope for escape.
   She pretended to like No.6, even to seem to becoming romantically involved with him. But in the end, Nadia is cold and unfeeling towards No.6.
   Nadia is a plant in the Village. We cannot believe one single word she says, she is probably not even an Estonian! Well she might be, she might also be working for the British Government, depending on which side runs the Village of course. One thing is certain, Nadia did not give away the location for the Village, as it's not behind the Iron Cutain in Lithuania. I told you you can't believe a word she says!  BCNU

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