Wednesday 9 November 2011

I've Resigned - My Life Is My Own!

   Well if that's what No.6 thought, then he was a fool! To have resigned his job, and to think that he could simply walk away, well that simply doesn't happen, not when you consider the kind of secret and confidential work he was involved with. No, 'they' pension their people off, give them a car, money, a house, in order that he would not defect to the other side. But I suppose the Prisoner was different somehow, that he could not be trusted enough even though they could have 'pensioned' him off. So he was abducted to live out the rest of his days in the Village. But what is it that makes the Prisoner so different from others? Why is he so important? Surely it wasn't the act of resigning his job that brought about his abduction the the Village? Could such an abduction be organised so quickly? Remember the Prisoner was followed from the moment he drove out of the underground car park in Abingdon Street, after handing in his resignation. No, there must have been more to it than the Prisoner's resignation, after all he had been under close surveillance, which was demonstrated during the de-briefing session with No.2 in Arrival. I believe the Prisoner had become supect, so too his loyalty. A man like that would be of great value on the open market. Remember how 'A' in A B and C would have had the Prisoner abducted, had the Village administration not got to him first!
    No, telling the reason why the Prisoner resigned would have been the beginning. Had he given his reason, then more, and more questions would have followed. 'They' didn't simply want to know why he resigned, 'they' would have wanted to extract all the knowledge inside his head. That's why you are in the Village, to have that knowledge protected or extracted, all depending of course which side you are on! Me? I'm on my side! Be seeing you.

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