Friday 11 November 2011

"Number Please"

    "Haven't got a number."
    "No number, no call."

The first cordless telephone.....a prediction for the future perhaps? Seen today as a remarkable piece of technology, or a curse! Mobile phones are all well and good, and at times can be a life saver. But generally speaking, today there people who can never be without their mobiles phones, it's as though they simply cannot live without it. Me? I don't have a mobile phone, nor do I have the desire to own one.
Be seeing you


  1. Hi David, No blog ... no comment ;-)
    we had some nice exchanges on MySpace a few years ago (maybe you remember paeonia ?) - Nice to read you again ! Best wishes

  2. Hello 731 HOP,

    Of course I remember Paeonia, how have you been keeping? Its nice to be hearing from you again.

    Yes I stopped blogging on MySpace, although my site and that of The Tally Ho are still active. Well the new owners did their work on the site, and when one day it took me an hour to post a couple of pieces of blog enough became enough, and so I post my 'Prisoner' blog here, its so easy to do, I much prefer it.

    And I see you have made yourself a follower. So now our friendship has been resumed, I look forward to further contact. Happy reading.

    Best Wishes
    Be seeing you

  3. Good afternoon David,
    I have got a blog on Silent Movies and some other ones. Here is the link if you wish to have a look at it
    I'm glad to be able to follow you again!
    See you soon and have a nice week end
