Wednesday 16 November 2011

Patrick McGoohan The Modern Day Nostrodamus Of His Time............

    ...............does it again! Last night while watching television, to my surprise there was a commercial about Samsung's new portable 'wireless' speaker which you can take with you anywhere you go. Strangely, at first glance, it looked like a slim-line version of this speaker in the Prisoner.
  This speaker is enjoys wireless technology, and what's more you can take it with you wherever you go. In the case of No.6 one evening during The Chimes of Big Ben, he takes the speaker outside to give backgound noise so that the Observers cannot hear what he and Nadia-No.8 are taking about.
    I realise that wireless technology has been around for some time now, and that includes wireless speakers, but this portable wireless speaker by Samsung really caught my eye and imagination. I am only sorry that I have not found a picture of it on the Internet to add with this blog.
Be seeing you

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