Friday 18 November 2011

Photographic Stills Of Patrick McGoohan

    Chiefly this piece of blog is for the information of Moor Larkin, although the reader in general may have read in a few blog comments recently, how Moor Larkin and I were discussing a series of photographs of Patrick McGoohan which are to be found on one of the discs making up the 40th anniversary DVD box-set of the Prisoner. We were talking about where the photographs might have taken, and here is one picture in question.
  Patrick McGoohan is sat on a stool at a bar, the only question is, where is that bar? Well in a book on Portmeirion, I have a picture of:

   As pictured below.

   Now I know the picture of the Cock Pit Smoking Room in the Hotel Portmeirion is not identical to the one picturing McGoohan in a bar, yet there are similarities, although 40 years separte the photographs. Consider the bar stool upon which Patrick McGoohan sits, and the stool in the second and third picture, they are the same. And the wood panalling of the bar itself, that too is identical.
   In the following picture, Partick McGoohan is pictured at the top of the stairs, in Portmeirion's hotel, as it was before the hotel fire back in the 1980's, and before the hotel's restoration.
   So, if these two photographs were taken in the main Hotel at Portmeirion, so too might all the others. Two of which look to be the Hotel's reception, and pieces of the furniture are very ornate, in keeping with Portmeirion's hotel decor.
   As a footnote, here are two pictures of HMS Arethusa, the ship from which the wood and beams were salvaged and went to make the Cockpit Smoking Room in Portmeirion's Hotel.

So what do you think Moor? I look forward to your comments.

Be seeing you


  1. The very broad wood panel of the front of the bar seems pretty conclusive I agree, and although it's difficult to be certain the actual shelving at the back of the bar looks identical in positioning and dimensions.

    And above McGoohan's head is that portcullis that acts as the security screen for the bar.... but in the raised position..... you can see the rigging arrangement for it in the closed position.

    I think the eyes have it !!!

  2. Hello Moor,

    Well we certainly managed to sort that one out between us. But what about the baby in those photographs, it can't be McGoohan, the foreheads not high enough for him, besides the baby's happy, not frowning as in the photographs I have of McGoohan as a baby!

    Be seeing you

  3. The baby pix could easily be his own kids again, I would have thought. I daresay he could have charged Everyman a fee for their use.... ;-D

  4. Hello Moor,

    Yes, you could very well be right. My wife thinks that the baby pics could be of McGoohan's own children. And yes, he probably did, such things are 'tax deductable!'

    As ever

  5. The upper one of the two photos of Arethusa shows a later ship of the same name, not the one that went into the making of the hotel bar.

  6. Hello,
    Thank you for the correction.

    Best regards
