Saturday 12 November 2011

A Prediction For The Future

    There are many levels one can view the Prisoner from, and one such level is that the series is a prediction for the future through the eyes of Patrick McGoohan. Surveillance cameras are everywhere these days, you cannot move but for being spotted on camera somewhere. Cordless telephones, credit cards, a single currency which countries in Europe are not enjoying so much these days. The whole Earth as the Village, a blueprint for world order. An International community which is the Europeon Community of today, even though it does appear to be falling apart!
   Credit the time of the Prisoner Barclay Bank had just brought out a credit card thing, and there was the Diners club card, but you had to put money on it first for it to be used as a credit card, but even then places that took the Diners Club card were few and far between at the time. But Patrick's idea to use the Work or Credit Unit in the Village was demonstrating how we are moving, as we are today, more and more towards a moneyless society, no cash, only electronic payment.
   Loudspeakers make up the public address system in the Village, mounted on black and white striped poles, under candy striped canopies, but there appears to be no cables, no wires. Of course it's possible that the wires run up inside the poles. But that would not take into account the speakers which stand on their own about the Village, fixed in nooks and crannies. No, it looks like the Village is way ahead in "Wireless" technology which is rife in the world today. I can print off documents via my printer using "wireless" technology, and that is but one simple application of wireless technology, there are many others. And we've all become numbers. We all have numbers, the number of your house, driving license number, Bank account number, National Insurance number, Social Security number, you name it. I think Patrick McGoohan was far seeing, he could see the future, a kind of modern day Nostrodamus you might say.  Be seeing you.

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