Saturday 19 November 2011

Questions Are A Burden, Answers A Prison For Oneself

    Is the Prisoner such a wicked waste of much trouble for so little end-product? Some people in their time, say that they cannot find any vestige of any coherent exlanation for it! Well there are explanations, interpretations, ideas, theories, and all the rest. But what do we do with it when we have all this information? And are we the richer for having it? Or is it all a simple waste of time? Well basically isn't having a liking for the Prisoner basically a hobby, and are not hobbies basically pointless? If that is the case, then I've been wasting my time for nearly fourty-five years. Why do I do it? Well like all hobbies the reason itself beomes the reason just to go on and on, until it becomes an obsession! for myself, the Prisoner is something I cannot leave alone.
    In the end it doesn't matter which side runs the Village. It doesn't matter who Number One is, or the identity of the Prisoner, why he resigned, or what it was he resigned from. Yet somehow it does seem important to the point when one feels the need to force ones point to others who cannot see it. One fan may not agree with others as to what the Prisoner might be about, yet there are times when we do, and can see the other fellows point of view. Fans debate and argue. They question, as they search for answers, although those answers might not be the right ones. But if there is one thing fans can all agree on, the Prisoner is a remarkable, and outstanding television series that has withstood the passage of time.  I'll be seeing you

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