Sunday 20 November 2011

That Scream!

  You know that moment in the General, when No.6, having selected a walkingstick from a hat stand in the Professor's house, enters the bedroom where the Professor is asleep. No.,6 raises the walkingstick above his head and brings it down on the Professor's head, and with a merry quip says "You should take greater care of him Ma'am, he's gone to pieces!"
   I never could understand why Madam Professor let out such a scream, unless it was simply for the benefit of the television viewer. Because it is as plain as the nose on your face that it was Mdam Professor who sculpted that plaster mask of her husbands face. Did not No.2 say to Madam Professor "I'm afraid he's made a bit of a mess of your masterpiece." I also wondered how No.6 knew that it was not the Professor lying in that bed? Perhaps at a distance it was difficult to tell. But close-up it would be easy to tell, there would be no tell-tale signs of breathing coming from a plaster head!
    But back to Madam Professor, when she screams, who or what is she screaming for, her husband, or her masterpiece No.6 is about to smash?      I'll be seeing you.

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