Friday 4 November 2011

Thought For The Day

    The Balloon - Rover: symbolises repression and guardianship of corrupt authority which, when corrruption is finally overcome, disintegrates.         {from the guidelines for the Prisoner series}

   So, is that what Rover is at the end of Fall Out, disintegrating because the repressive authority, and corrupt guardianship of the Village has finally been overcome? Could be, and if it is, I've never quite looked at it that way before.  Be seeing you.


  1. Those guidelines must be post-datal however, unless that bun-shaped police car they designed originally was scripted to *disintegrate*, rather than sink... ;-D

  2. Hello Moor

    It may have been intended to 'fall apart' as the original Rover was to be seen in No.2's chair, per the original script, just as we see the balloon Rover.


    Mr. Anonymous

    P.S. We do get to see The General fly apart.

  3. But you forget Anonymous, that McGoohan wrote "Degree Absolute" after he had created the rubberised Rover. The scripts before that had anticipated something completely otherwise. Do you imagine McGoohan visualised a small wheeled vehicle somehow to have parked itself in No2's chair? I don't.

  4. Hello Moor,

    There's a cartoon there with the 'original' Rover in No.2's chair!

    As ever

  5. Hello Moor

    You must be the sheriff around here to corral up such details.

    Degree Absolute was in production by December of 1966 and indeed Mr. McGoohan has already re-invented Rover. However in an interview he stated he hoped even later to salvage some version of the 'mechanical' Rover and in the script (Degree Absolute) refers to Rover as a 'pulsating' Rover much as was the case in the Rover that was sent to retrieve Nadia.

    Perhaps Mr. McGoohan had still wanted the more 'police car' like Rover with it's recognizable flashing blue light to make the 'corrupt authority' statement more clear when the time came to Fall Out or Fall Apart as the case may be ( or may have been).

    The idea of a small version of Rover might have been suggested by the 'all seeing eye' we see in the Control Room and later transposed to No.1's rocket. The blue light we see in Free For All and the beam of light that seems to stun No.6 was how Rover was to originally function .... in fact the 'blue light used in Free For All was all that remained of the original Rover.


    Mr. Anonymous

  6. Hello Moor

    A viable Rover for No.2's chair... the 'all seeing eye'.


    Mr. Anonymous
