Thursday 15 December 2011

Cooking with Mrs Butterworth

    Cooking is one of my hobbies which I am very good at. So I thought on this occasion I would share with you my recipe for my 'Fruit Cake.'

4 oz of margarine
6 oz of granulated sugar
6 oz sultanas
2 oz of chopped orange peel
1 cup {8 liquid ounce} water
1 level teaspoon of bicarbinate of soda
1 heaped teaspoon of mixed spice
2 beaten eggs
4 oz of plain flour
4 oz of self-raising flour
A pinch of salt
1 Place margarine, sugar, currents, sultanas, orange peel, bicarbonate of soda and mixed spice in a pan. Bring to a boil and simmer for one minute. Pour into a large mixing bowl and allow to cool.
2 Line a 7 inch square {or 8 inch round} baking tin with grease-proof paper.
3 Add eggs, flour and salt to the cooled mixture, mix well and pour into the baking tin.
4 Bake in the centre of the oven at gas mark 4, 350f  for 11/4 hours

Next time....... Martha's dainty cucumber sandwiches.

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