Saturday 17 December 2011

Cooking With Mrs Butterworth

 Martha's Dainty Finger Sandwiches 

    Last time I brought you the recipe for my fruit cake, this time how to make 'Martha's dainty finger sandwiches.'  Take one freshly home baked loaf. If you do not have time to bake your own, Harrods does a nice loaf which would be quite adequate.

    Slice thinly and evenly, all must be the same width. Spread each slice with best English butter, then top with fillings of your own choice. such as fresh Salmon, cucumber, cucumber with Tuna, or English chedder cheese and chopped dates.

   Make up the sandwiches, then with a sharpe knife, cut off all the crusts. Cut sandwiches into 6 or 8 pieces, depending on the size of the loaf, but they must be no bigger than 1 1/2 inch on each side.

    {Blimey! Its no wonder No.6 scoffed the whole plateful!}


  1. Hi David
    This scene has always tickled me, the way he guzzles the plate of tiny sandwiches! Mind you, I always think that Mrs Butterworth could have given him something more substantial, especially as she was supposed to be a good cook. I’d have cooked him a good hearty meal, like pie and chips or steak etc. Followed by a nice sponge pudding with custard and a mug of nice Tetley tea! He had been through a lot and not eaten much for the previous few days! If I’d had to make him a sandwich then it would have been a proper butty, with crusts and all! Ha, Ha, Ha!

    1. Hello Nadia,
      I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comment. And you are quite right, dainty sandwiches does seem inadequate when Number 6 has been at sea for twenty-five days, eating cold baked beans and corned beef, and nothing to drink but water. That's a long time to go without a hot meal and a warm drink, although he was given a cup of hot tea or broth by the young gypsy woman. That was the first genuine act of kindness since his abduction to The Village. But then to be faced with a plate of dainty sandwiches, with the best of the bread, the crusts, cut off! I wonder if they are cucumber sandwiches, that would make it even worse! Mrs. Butterworth said she was a very good cook, but two things must be remembered. Firstly it was Martha who made those dainty sandwiches, and secondly he did eat all the fruitcake as well. Mind you its surprising he didn't throw up, after eating all that fruitcake on a virtually empty stomach!
      But of course you are absoluetly right, a hot meal would have been far better suited for Number 6 as you suggest. Or a butty, a bacon butty, or sausage butty with ketchup and brown sauce, lovely.

      Have a good weekend
      Very best regards
