Saturday 24 December 2011

It's Christmas Eve - Even In The Village

    Well dear readers, no, dear friends, for that is what you are, each and everyone of you, honestly. And seeing as how it's Christmas Eve this will be my last posting for two days, well you've got better things to do than to sit there reading my blog on Christmas Day and Boxing Day...........haven't you? Well you would be surprised, some people haven't, or certainly they feel the need for a little diversion.
   So I shall return on Tuesday with more words from the Village, keeping up the information, with the desire to exchange information, ideas, theories, and interpretations which will continue in 2012.

    If I'm lucky Father Christmas with bring me a present to do with the Prisoner. Last year he brought me a few model cars to add to my collection of cars seen in THEPRISONER09 series, along with the cd soundtrack of that series.




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