Thursday 5 January 2012

Postcard From The Village

   The Prisoner said that he is not a number, that he's a free man or person. Yet there are times when he not only accepted his number, but actually responded to it, eh mister Number Six. I don't actually see what the Prisoner had against being known as No.6, after all one names as good as any other. And after all the Prisoner had had a previous number, a code name of ZM73, he didn't seem to mind being known by that number!
    Whenever I've gone to Portmeirion, I have always thought of myself as No.6, I don't know why, because I've always worn a No.6 badge, and No.6 hardly ever wore his badge. I suppose it was because I liked the design of the canopied penny farthing, and the only two numbered badges produced in the Prisoner shop were those of 2 and 6, and I only wore a No.2 badge the once.....that was during the filming of a music video Another Number with Australian singer and musician Carmel Morris at Portmeirion in 2001, when I had the brief role of No.2. "Don't worry Number Six, you'll be cured" which was my only line, and one that was eventually to be dubbed by Australian actor David Netheim who played the role of a doctor in The Schizoid Man.

          I'll be seeing you

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