Friday 13 January 2012

The Therapy Zone

A master of Manipulation

    That is one way you could describe this No.2 of The Chimes of Big Ben, this in the way he cleverly manipulated No.6 in bringing him together with No.8-Nadia. Explaining from the very beginning that No.8 had been brought to the village for recuperation, that she's not at all important, and was surprised that they had sent her to the village at all.
   No.2 had called upon No.6 to attend him at the hospital to witness the interrogation of No.8 "What was the purpose of your swim. Were you attempting suicide, suicide, what was in your mind. What was the purpose of your swim, were you attempting suicide, suicide, suicide.......?" And the electrification of the floor and switching off just in the nick of time on the order of No.2 was a defining moment. And it was not long before No.6 took No.8-Nadia under his protective wing so to speak, the rest was then down to Nadia and her own manipulation of No.6 and her knowledge for the location of the village which turned out to be as false as she was.

Everyone Votes For A Dictator
 That's what No.6 told No.2 on the morning of Free For All, and got his wish then, didn't he? Because on polling day every citizen voted for No.6 in a landslide victory. But then on the steps of the Town Hall its as though none of the citizens cared. For as the new No.2 held his right arm aloft, aided by the out going No.2, none of the citizens cheered him in his victory in the election. Everyone remained silent, and several citizens looked upon the new No.2 with suspicion.
   As it happened the new No.2 was just as dictatorial and manipulative as all those who had gone before him, in the way the new No.2 tried to organise a mass breakout. Telling the citizens that he was in command, that he would immobilise all electronic controls and that the citizens are free, free to go, free to go. But the citizens didn't want to be free, they didn't want to go. And took no notice as the new No.2's voice boomed out over the village via the public address system "Listen to me, you are free, free, free to go, free to go. Obey me and be free." And if that isn't acting like a dictator I don't know what is, this in the attempt to manipulate the good citizens of the community. Telling them what they wanted, even though they didn't want it and demonstrating that it's not everyone who can manipulate the people so. For the new No.2 has no experience whatsoever of the manipulation of a community such as the village. Nor has he the administrative ability to implement his policies. Can you trust him? In the end this new No.2 was no better than the rest, he expected the citizens to obey him, as any of his predecessors, and succsessors yet to come.


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