Wednesday 18 January 2012

Thought For The Day

There Is Nothing So Unsure As Uncertainty!

    Not for the first time No.6 is uncertain during the episode of Many Happy Returns, both uncertain, and unsure of his surroundings, on both the morning he awoke to find the village deserted, but perhaps even more so when he has returned to London and that of his home which he slowly enters for the first time in months, this at the invitation of Mrs Butterworth. He is, I think, unsure of himself to some small degree. Left alone in his study by Mrs. Butterworth, No.6 checks the view from the window, the telephone for it's dialling tone for reassurance, something the identical telephone back in the village lacks. He explains to Mrs. Butterworth about the area of dry rot behind the desk which was made good about 12 months ago. That the bathroom door is sliding, it opens to the left, the sink is on the right as you go in. The hot and cold taps on the shower were put on the wrong way round. Mrs. Butterworth had them changed, the Prisoner doesn't have to prove anything. Well not to Mrs. Butterworth perhaps, but to himself maybe.
   Is there anything in which No.6 can trust? Perhaps only in himself, because during Many Happy Returns, the Prisoner is certainly shaken by his surroundings, not once, but twice!


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