Saturday 4 February 2012

I Will Not Be Pushed - Filed - Stamped - Indexed - Briefed - De-Briefed - or Numbered!

    Well that's what the Prisoner said, but it didn't work out like that at all did it? Pushed, as the Prisoner was by the varying No.2's in order to try and get him to reveal the secret behind his resignation. He was also pushed, you might think that manipulated would be a better word, into getting involved with Monique in trying to prevent an assassination/execution during Its Your Funeral for one example.
Filed, well there was that computer card with the Prisoners picture on it, ex'd out and filed under RESIGNED. Although to be fair the Prisoner did not actually see this. And then there was the file on the Prisoner which contained every detail about him, well save for his date of birth!
   Stamped, well it all depends upon your definition of "stamped." Looking at it through the thoughts of the Prisoner, it would be that he will not "fall in line," conform, or adapt himself, accommodate or adjust to the ways of the village.
Indexed, meaning he will not be put on any list or registered in any ledger. Only he had been despite this protest. During the "truth test" in the episode Free For All, the Labour Exchange manager had a ledger upon his desk. This ledger the manager consulted, to find out that No.6 gave up sugar four years and three months ago on medical advice.
Briefed, certainly the Prisoner was briefed on the village by No.2 on the morning of his Arrival. He was told about the village, pinpointing the Council building, restaurant, the Citizens Advice Bureau. Amateur dramatics, the newspaper, that they have their own graveyard. A social club, members only but No.2 would see what he could do. That he might meet people he knows. That he might even be given a position of trust! If that isn't being briefed I don't know what is!
De-briefed, that occurred during the interview with No.2 in his office during the morning of the Prisoners arrival in the village.
Numbered, the New Number 2 in Arrival did that.
"Good day Number Six."
"Number what?" asks the Prisoner.
"For official purposes everyone has a number. Yours is Number Six." No.2 explains.
"I am not a number, I an a person" the Prisoner retorts.
"Good day."

Pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed and numbered.... he certainly has been!


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