Thursday 2 February 2012

Thought For The Day

    It's strange to think that Number Six would have been so easily fooled by the events during The Chimes of Big Ben. If it had not been for Post Five not having his watch set for Polish time.......but then no-one thought No.6's wrist watch would become water-logged, and that he'd ask for Post Five's, or as Number Six thought him to be, Nadia's contact man, who was stupid enough to simply hand his wrist watch over.
   Yet, had someone thought to set Post Five's wrist watch to Polish time, then Number Six would have been completely fooled, and the television viewers would have learned what it was Number Six was going to say "I resigned, because for a very long time...................."
    Oh yes, and Nadia Rakovsky. Number Two told Number Six that she had been brought to the Village to recouperate. Yet on the evening of The Chimes of Big Ben, when Number Six invited Nadia in for a night-cap, she told him that all she had done was to resign. So which was it?

Be seeing you

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