Friday 3 February 2012

Thought For The Day

 Can We Be Sure Of Anything?

  There are those who arrive in the village, then later they have no idea of how long they have actually been there, and this includes No.6. During the episode of Dance of the Dead when No.6 is talking to Roland Walter Dutton, Dutton asks him how long he's been here. No.6 replies "Quite recently, you?" "It's difficult to say" says Dutton "A couple of months." But before this there was Cobb on the ward in the hospital where the Prisoner met him during Arrival "How long have you been here?" "Three, four weeks, months. It's difficult to work out" Cobb tells him.
   So why is it difficult to work out how long anyone has been in the village? It could be through being disorientated, Cobb, Dutton and No.6, well Dutton and No.6, had both gone through various interrogation techniques. Drugs used on them, more so in Dutton's case I should have thought, which can effect the memory, powers of calculation and the conditioning of the mind. Then there's the act of isolating the subject, having your watch taken away so as not to be able to tell time. Not being given a newspaper, or calendar for the date, both of which can be altered and manipulated. After all No.6 has a wooden day-date calendar, but can such a device really be relied upon?
   Something else which must be taken into account, time wise, is the time taken to bring anyone to the village. The distance from the abductee’s location to that of the village, which could be hundreds of miles, if not thousands to the landing stage, and finally the quip flip in the helicopter to the village.
   If there is one thing we can sure of, it is we can be sure of nothing!


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