Sunday 4 March 2012

60 Second Interview With The Domb Disposal Team

    No.113 "We haven't caught you boys at a bad time have we?"
    No.113b "Smile." {click goes the camera}
    "What are you doing with that Cuckoo Clock?"
    1st Bomb Disposal man "It's a bomb. Now clear the area."
    No.113 "Don't be daft. Who said it's a bomb?"
    2nd Bomb Disposal man "Number Two."
    "Oh you can't take any notice of what he says. He's just paranoid!"
   1st bomb disposal man "Look, you and your mate had better clear out while we make this safe."
    No.113 "Why is your mate licking his lips?"
    "Well this is a delicate operation, it probably helps him concentrate. One false move and we could both be blown to kingdom come!"
    No.113b "Look, I think I'll fix up my telephoto lens and get some shots from some distance away!"
    No.113 "Really!"
    "Well that or he's thinking about that meat pie he's having for lunch!"
    2nd Bomb disposal man "This things ticking!"
    "Oh !"*?, well don't panic, don't panic. Lets get it fixed, and out of here. But whatever you do, as we carry it down the steps, don't jiggle it!"
    No.113 "Well I'll leave you boys to it....good luck!"

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b                       

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