Thursday 1 March 2012

Acts Of Betrayal

    I wonder what it was that No.24-Alison, in The Schizoid Man, received for her act of betrayal against No.6? Whatever it was I hope it was worth it. Of course No.2 might not have offered No.24 anything but her life, the chance to go on living in the Village. Or maybe he offered her the pain of interrogation and experimentation at the hands of one of the doctors at the hospital. It's really no wonder No.24 acted against No.6 in the way she did, self-preservation it's called. At the end No.24 told No.6 that if she was given a second chance she wouldn't do it again. But how can you trust soemone who has already betrayed you once, and would, in all probability, do it again?

   Madame Professor is no better, she aides No.2 in seeing that her husband the Professor carries on with his lectures in order to keep him alive. Yet she herself if kept dangling by No.2 on the promise that she can see her husband when he has completed the the first phase of his lecture. "Madame Professor is a lovely woman, warm, sympathetic, she will talk him into anything to keep him alive." It would appear that both are necessary, the one for the other, essential even.
   Madame Professor betrays her husband in order to keep him alive, yet in doing so the Professor is daily subjected to drugs and threapy, forced to go on with lectures for an educational experiemnt which he has no trust in, and that includes the General. Perhaps against her better judgement, but such is the course of true love.

  No.8, she is hypnotised into believing that she is in love with No.6, and he with her, and so will betray No.6 if she thinks he is going to attempt to escape, because of her love for him.
  But before that she offers to help No.6 with his escape plan, if it's a good one, as she has often helped others with their escape plans, none of which ever succeeded! It would appear that No.8 has betrayed her fellow citizens several times, even it is unwittingly so.

  Nadia Rakovsky, if that is indeed her real name, or No.8 as we know her in the Village. She hooked and reeled No.6 in, first by playing the "damsel in distress" card, and then later by dangling the location of the Village under his nose. Manipulation and betrayal are the tools of this woman's trade. What's more you cannot believe a single word she utters. I mean come on, having a contact is one thing, having him wait in a cave on the off-chance of Nadia turning up is another. But really, if No.6 had only thought about the situation, was not so eager to escape the Village, he might, he might have just stopped a moment to ask himself how it is possible for Nadia, a prisoner in the Village, to have been able to contact that man waiting for her in that cave! No.6 might be a clever man, but he is also a sucker for a damesl in distress.

I'll be seeing you

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