Thursday 8 March 2012

Caught On Camera

   Hammer Into Anvil - did you know - No.2 actually listened to each of the six records of the Davier recording of L'arlesienne, and it must have taken most of the morning, because by
No.2's watch it was  by the time he'd finished!
   What is important here, is not that No.6 had listened to only three of the records, and for only a few seconds each, but the fact that No.6 had convinced the little Weasel, the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper convinced No.2, and in turn No.2 listened to each of the six records, listening for what No.6 had been listening for, and actually timing them with no result! What would you say, an LP record less than sixty minutes, six records equals? Well suffice to say No.2 spent most of the morning listening to L'arlesienne - he must be round the twist! Hadn’t he more important things to be doing? And then there is the question of who was serving customers in the General Store while the shopkeeper was standing in attendance to No.2 all that time? Possibly no-one!  Surely this is one case where No.6 is "Jamming!"

Be seeing you 

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