Friday 2 March 2012

Doctors Orders!

   This doctor in No.40 who often takes matters into his own hands "If we wait for orders, we'll never get results" he once told a Supervisor. This so called doctor has no ethics, and will stop at nothing to get the result he wants. He took Roland Walter Dutton beyond the limit simply because he didn't believe Dutton had nothing more to tell them. To this doctor Dutton was little more than a piece of meat, which gave him the opportunity to experiment, as he did on No.6. But No.6 was actually saved from the ordeal by No.2's intervention. He did ask No.2 about No.6 at the Ball. No.2 said "We mustn’t spoil him." To which No.40 replied "Unless we must!" And don't be fooled by that Scottish accent of his, the only question mark hanging over this doctor, is where did he learn to ply his ghastly trade before being brought to the Village? and the same question can be applied to the next doctor.
  Here we have another doctor - No.22, and she has just about as many medical ethics as No.40 - none whatsoever! She thinks nothing of proposing a Leucotomy for No.6, to knock out the centres of the brain. At the very least she would like to know what No.6's breaking point is. 
     No.22 adapts experiments, such as Pavlov's experiments first carried out on dogs and adapts that to the treatment of the Rook. Then one time experiments carried out with Dolphins in regard to Submarine detection, an experiment she had carried out on No.8. If I didn't know better, I would say that this is the male and female equivalent of the same person, so alike as they are in their medical profession. Both demonstrate the same complete disregard for the patient, and think nothing of their treatment, and the experiments which they carry out in the name of science, technology, and the required results.
   No.86 of A Change of Mind is no better than she ought to be! Feminine yes, attractive yes, but she thinks nothing of carrying out Leucotomies operations on Unmutual patients. However there does seem to be one doctor in the Village Hospital who has some form of medical ethics, that of No.14 who in A B and C is reluctant to use a new drug which she has developed on No.6, as it hasn’t even been tested on animals. This doctor is forced into the situation of experimenting on No.6 otherwise No.2 will see that her own drug is tested on her! At the end No.14 seems pleased that No.2 lost, and that No.6 succeeded.
Be seeing you

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