Thursday 29 March 2012

A Favourite Moment In The Prisoner Comes When.....

The realisation hits Number Two that he has failed. But as the Doctor-Number Fourteen put it "He succeeded," what's more Number Fourteen seemed just a little pleased by that. Poor old Number Two, I mean it's not a favourite moment because Number Two has been beaten, but that he failed. He put both his faith in, and put his future on the line, in Number Fourteen and her new drug. But he'll get a second chance, and there are only second chances for the lucky ones. And seeing as Number Two went to all that trouble in researching and computing the Prisoner's whole life, it might be a good idea for Number Two to programme the General with all that information, and then ask the computer why Number Six resigned. In fact Number Two could have done that in the first place, in the Cipher Room, when he was having the Prisoner's whole life computed and save himself all the bother of A B and C!

Be 'C'ing you

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