Wednesday 21 March 2012

Information And Observation

    It would appear that the Admiral-No.66 and his friend have regressed back to their childhoods. This as they sail rubber boats down on the beach during the episode Checkmate. Or perhaps the Admiral is re-enacting a naval blockade, as he and his friend have constructed a port and fortifications. There is also, what looks to be, a battleship constructed out of sand!
    At the kiosk in Hammer Into Anvil, postcards of the Italianate village of Portmeirion can be seen for sale in a postcard rack.
    No.2 of Hammer Into Anvil is the only No.2 to have his own "shooting stick," which he carries about him whilst others have the more unusual "umbrella shooting stick." Not only that, but No.2 has a sword concealed inside his shooting stick, which he must have brought with him and which could not have been detected in any possible search carried out on him or his personal possessions brought into the village.
   No.2, during The Chimes of Big Ben, said of No.6's home made tools stone axe and chisel, "You know the ruling on offensive axe's, saws, chisels that sort of thing. They may fall into the wrong hands." "Stone axe, chisel, even these are outside the pale of the law you know." Then certainly No.2's concealed sword would also have to be considered to be "outside the pale of the law." So judging by this law on offensive weapons, it occurred to me that No.2 actually smuggled his weapon into the village, for his own protection in not knowing exactly what he had got himself into?
   The Professors wife, had she been involved in the "Arts & Crafts Exhibition" during The Chimes of Big Ben? After all, there is a bust of No.2 in her home seen during The General.
   On the subject of busts, there is one of the busts seen around he village, which has a surveillance camera concealed in it's right eye, is of Voltaire, another has been identified as being of Darwin.
    Strange how the village mortuary is situated in the Town Hall, instead of being in the hospital!
    The hospital being a renovated castle, utilising what is already at the location, or a castle having been built and aged during the actual construction of the village on the outskirts of the village, and not actually being on the "Map of Your Village.
    What of the architect of the village? Why an Italianate design? Because in the village you could actually be anywhere in the world. Designed to give new arrivals a jolt, to disorientate them.
    It's inexplicable how Thorpe of Many Happy Returns knows that the ground level photographs are of a holiday resort. In reality Portmeirion of course. An in-joke perhaps, or a more subtle clue as to the actual location of the village? But then anyone who has been to Portmeirion, and watched the Prisoner at the time of its original screening, would know that it's Portmeirion. They might even have been at Portmeirion at the time of filming of the Prisoner. A subtle clue then for those who were not in the know at the time.
    No.6 is described by the Colonel in the episode Many Happy Returns as being "An old, old friend who never gives up." Well up until then he hadn't! Because up until Many Happy Returns No.6 had attempted to escape at almost any given opportunity. In fact the last time No.6 attempted to escape it was during the episode of Checkmate, along with a number of reliable men. And did you know that the white Queen was originally to have gone aboard M.S. Polotska with No.6, with No.2 actually sat aboard the boat waiting for them. So No.6 and No.8 must have been aboard that pair of rubber lilos roped together! After Checkmate, there is no opportunity for No.6 to try and escape, not that which we are privy to at least. Those which we are, mostly concern themselves with No.6's survival.
   For a man who is so determined to escape the village, he doesn't try that often. In fact towards the end it is his survival which he concerns himself with most. in fact throughout the Prisoner, that which we are privy to, No.6 only attempts to escape on no more than six occasions.
   And the moto along with the picture of the Professor on the white rosettes worn by students during the exams of The General is "UP THE PROFESSOR," a meaning which you can interpret anyway you choose.

Be seeing you

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