Monday 12 March 2012

It's Inexplicable!

    The way The Butler learns to latch onto No.6 so quickly. He makes no comment, but surely he can see which way the wind is blowing. In the fact that No.6 gained the upper hand, having turned the tables during the week in the embryo room during Once Upon A Time. "He thinks you're the boss" No.2 roars. "No.1's the boss" No.6 informs him.
  Yet it seems that the Butler knows which side his bread is buttered, in keeping by his new masters side during the trials of Fall Out, and taking an active part in the violent and bloody revolution.
  But where did the Butler get that key to the heavy wooden door which lead through into the cavern? How did he know about the
Scammel Highway
man transporter? This all means that the Butler was privy to more than appears to meet the eye. But the Butler didn't remain the Prisoners personal gentleman’s gentleman for very long. Because by the time the Prisoner had returned home from handing in his resignation...... the Butler, having packed two suitcases had long departed
No.1 Buckingham Place
, on his way back to the village!


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