Friday 23 March 2012

It's Inexplicable!

  That No.6 and No.2 should enjoy such an instant rapport during The Chimes of Big Ben, you can have an instant liking or disliking for someone, but not to instantly enjoy such a rapport with someone. I always supposed that the reason behind so many different No.2's was that No.6 would not be able to strike up any rapport with his keeper!
   Judging by the way No.2 and No.6 are together {almost a double act at times} it would seem that they had prior knowledge of each other before The Chimes of Big Ben. I mean some thing must have taken place between Arrival and The Chimes of Big Ben to which we the viewer are not privy!



  1. I enjoyed Leo McKern SOOO much more than many of the other number 2s. He really had something going there. Like you said, it was almost as if he was just an old friend who went the wrong way.


  2. Hello #42

    Well certainly in 'Once Upon A Time' Number Six said he knew too much, that he knew too much about Number 2 {Leo McKern} so that makes me think that the Prisoner had prior knowledge of this particular Number 2 before his abduction to the Village.
    Towards the end of 'Fall Out, we observe the former Number 2 dressed in a business suit and Bowler hat entering the Houses of Parliament. During the opening sequence of 'Arrival' the Prisoner parks his car in Abingdon Street car park, only the other side of the road from the Houses of Parliament. Seeing as we don't actually know where that office was in which the Prisoner handed in his letter of resignation, why not in the Houses of Parliament?

    Kind Regards

  3. My own favourite No2 was Peter Pan. I would say that the only one [sic], I thought was not very well brought off was the *old* No2 in It's Your Funeral. Somehow a No2 who is not cocksure and arrogant at some level, is just a number by another name completely.

    I must confess that i see no reason to seek a back-story for the comment from No6 in Once Upon A Time. After all No6 would have learned quite a lot about that No2 in Chimes of Big Ben, quite some time before, but within the confines of the village.

  4. Hello Moor,

    Yes, Mary Morris as Peter Pan made an almost elfin No.2, and all her lines were retained in the script which originally had been for Trevor Howard as No.2 for 'Dance of the Dead.' But I think Mary Morris carried the lines well. Of course Mary had previously played the role of Peter Pan in the theatre.

    I have often wondered just how long No.2 'Andre Van Gyseghem' of 'It's Your Funeral' term of office had been to see him given some time on leave! He was certainly an industrious No.2, with no direct contact with No.6. Because when No.6 paid a visit to see No.2, he didn't recognise the man as he said he'd come to see No.2, and No.2 said "I am Number Two."

    But would No.6 have spent so much time with No.2 in 'Chimes' to get to know so much about him? I doubt it somehow, Number 2 would not be in the habit of giving away too much information about himself.

