Thursday 1 March 2012

The Man Who Haunted Himself

    "Very good very good indeed. One of No.2's little jokes I suppose!"
"Who the devil are you?"
"I'm No.6"
"The devil you are!"
"No, I told you I'm No.6"
"But I'm No.6!
"Well we can't both be No.6"
    Of course they can't both be No.6. They know who they are, we know who they are by the blazers they wear. But No.6 is far more confident than No.6, and No.6 can't smoke No.6's favourite brand of cigar. He does smoke black Russian cigarettes and his favourite dish is flapjacks, "Flapjack Charlie is his name, spying his game!"
   Of course they could be twins, there have been two pairs of twins in the village before, the electrician and the gardener. Then the photographer No.113b and his twin who works the Tally Ho newspaper dispenser.
   But no, it’s extremely unlikely that No.6 and No.6 are twins, it would have been in his file. Could one of them be No.1? Perhaps No.1 wanted to enjoy the confines of the Village for himself, to have that “hands-on” approach. Well that's more like it wouldn't you say, after all why couldn’t No.1’s name be Curtis? Ah, but No.6-Curtis dies at the end, suffocated by Rover, well according to No.6 anyway, which would mess up their meeting in Fall Out wouldn't it?
   The last remaining possibility is that No.6 is No.6's doppelganger. We all have one you know, someone out there who is an exact double of someone else, that would be No.12-Curtis posing as No.6 during The Schizoid Man. Just as well they were not wearing the same blazer, otherwise we might never have known!

Be seeing you

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