Saturday 31 March 2012

Postcard From The Village

    If you are in Portmeirion today you'll be aware that there's a Prisoner convention on this weekend. An old, old friend of mine paid a visit for a couple of days, Chris who is a fellow  fan of the Prisoner just like myself and my wife. He said that someone asked him if he was going to the convention, he shook his head and said no, and I agreed that neither was I.
    We had a good couple of days, watching Prisoner related videos, and an episode of THEPRIS6NER-09 which he doesn't mind watching. What's more my wife and I took Chris round on the McGoohan tour of Loughborough. It was rather like a two day convention of our own, as we talked of many things Prisoner. You don't have to go to Portmeirion you know, to hold a Prisoner convention, and I've always been of that opinion.

I'll be seeing you

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