Tuesday 27 March 2012

Progressing To The Future

    By the end of Fall Out No.6, or Sir as he had become known, had returned to the society of London after having received a taste of a possible future. For in the village there have been some technological predictions, the cordless telephone - the credit card - a cashless society - the International Community of the village, a blueprint for world order, that would become the European Community of today - the idea of the penny farthing is to be a symbol of man's progress and the speed at which he is progressing technological wise, and that perhaps we should slow down, before it all goes pear shaped.
   Well I hardly think man is prepared to slow down, and that some technology actually has much to pay for. Take that Wii game thing. I watch the commercials on television for Wii and there they are, a group of people with a games controller in their hand, linked up to a game being played on television, as they seem to be playing musical instruments in a band on the television screen. If you look at the players in the room, waving about a white game controller around in their hands as though playing a guitar, banjo, or holding that game control to their lips as though playing the flute, or clarinet, take a step back and see just how ridiculous they look!
  I mean, if people want to play a musical instrument, why don't they go and actually learn to play the flute, clarinet, or guitar for real? Or go the tennis club, cricket club and play real games, instead of “reality” games!
   Now I can see the point Patrick McGoohan was trying to make in the Prisoner, with his penny farthing and man's technological progression - but I fear it is already long too late!

Be seeing you.

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