Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Therapy Zone

    Some years ago a poll was held amongst a number of fans to see what was their "favourite episode" or "the best No.2." I don't think the results were too surprising, by the numbers who responded to the poll.

Favourite Episode:
Checkmate                           70
Free For All                         48
The Schizoid Man                 21
Fall Out                                20
The General                          17
A B & C                               13
Arrival                                   12
Hammer Into Anvil                 10
The Girl Who Was Death         1

Worst/Least Favourite Episode:
Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling         127
Living In Harmony                                      71
A Change of Mind                                       7
Checkmate                                                  4
Fall Out                                                       2
The Girl Who Was Death                             1

Favourite No.2:
Leo McKern        182
Darren Nesbitt        16
Patrick Cargill         13
Colin Gordon           1

Favourite Guest Star:
Alexis kanner                  62
Peter Swanwick              57
Kenneth Griffith               56
Annette Andre                   9
Peter Bowles                     7
Rachel Herbert                  6
Justine Lord                       6
Gorgina Cookson              4
Ronald Radd                     3
Nigel Stock                       1
Valerie French                   1

Favourite Village Location:
The Stone Boat                           131
Gloriette                                        48
Bandstand                                     18
Central Piazza                                13
Hospital                                           1
Beach                                              1

   Not surprising that Leo McKern turned out to top the "Favourite No.2" poll. I think he is everyone's favourite. And Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, well it's everyone’s least favourite episode. But of course if such an on-line poll was held today the results might be very different. So with that regard allow me to ask;

What is your favourite episode?
What is your worst or least favourite episode?
Your favourite No.2?
Who is your favourite guest star?
And favourite Location?

Be seeing you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nr6deMar 6, 2012 02:17 AM
    Favourite eps: Once Upon Time (surprise), before Arrival
    Worst/least fav. eps: A.B. and C.
    Fav. No. 2: Leo McKern (who else?)
    Fav. guest star: none/difficult/Kenneth Griffith?
    Fav. location: Battery Sq., not exclusively

    { This comment was posted in the wrong blog '60 Second Interview With A Gunslinger.' I was aksed by the author nrde6 to move it to here. If it appears unde my name, as it has the first time I tried, then I hope nrde6 will forgive me, and possiblt repost it himself} David

  3. Favourite Eps: Free For All and Once Upon A Time, followed by Fall Out, Schizoid Man and Living in Harmony. Not to forget Dance of the Death.

    Worst Eps: The General, and A,B & C

    Fav. Number 2: Mary Morris. And Leo McKern, of course.

    Fav. Guest Star: Alexis Kanner

    Fav. Location: No idea...

  4. Well there have been two people to state their favourites, and I thank them for it, nr6de and Anonymous.
    Suprisingly 'Once Upon A Time' and 'Fall Out' are amongst favourite episodes, well I suppose it all depends what one is looking for within the series. Perhaps more surpringly 'Living In Harmony' and 'Do not fordake Me Oh My Darling.'

    For myself 'Arrival' is my favourite episode followed by 'Checkmate.'

    Worst or least favourite episode: Do Not forsake Me Oh My Darling. It used to be 'Living In
    Harmony,' but since then I've revised my thinking.

    Favourite No.2: Ian Mckellen {but Leo McKern of the original series}

    Favourite: Guest Star Nadia Gray

    Favouirite Location: Buckingham Place, Westminster because I once drove along Buckingham Place in a Caterham Seven as the Prisoner!

    Perhaps more readers would like to add to this poll.

    Be seeing you

  5. Fav.ep. Arrival
    Least fav.ep.Living in Harmony
    Fav.No.2's Leo Mckern,George Baker,Derren Nesbitt
    Fav.guest. Peter Swanick
    Fav.Location Abingdon Street.(I like the gardens)

  6. Hello Barrow936,

    Thank you for your contribution. Three favourite No.2's, and a favourite location of the car park in Abingdon street, and for a good enough reason.


  7. fav. episode: The Schizoid Man
    least: Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling
    No. 2: Mary Morris
    guest: Peter Bowles
    location: the grotto

  8. Variety, as they say, is the spice of life, and so it is with fans of 'the Prisoner.' We already have a variety of likes and dislikes in this poll.

    Thank you Anonymous

