Friday 2 March 2012

Thought For The Day

    I have been of the opinion that towards the end of Fall Out, when you see the single word PRISONER on the screen, the Prisoner having crossed Westminster Bridge, and driving passed the Houses of Parliament as he does in the opening sequence of Arrival and subsequent episodes, that the Prisoner is going to hand in his resignation to that baldheaded, bespectacled man sat behind a desk, and therefore the sequence of events called the Prisoner begin all over again, as in a vicious circle.
   But what if that was not the case? What if the Prisoner, having escaped the confines of the Village once more, again went running back to his old colleagues as he once did during The Chimes of Big Ben, or at least that's what would have happened had No.6 actually made it back to London, as he did in Many Happy Returns, and not to mention Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling.  And so having disappeared once,  returned, disappeared again, only to return and disappear, and then to return again what price that? I mean what would he tell Sir Charles of the Colonel? That he has returned from the Village again, surely by now they know about the Village espeically after his report of Many Happy Returns but further more he had launched a rocket, and caused the mass evacuation of the Village installation. Would his ex-colleagues believe him? Had the launching of the Fall Out rocket gone undectected by both sides of the Iron Curtain? And if the sequence of events that we have witnessed in the Prisoner were not to begin all over again with the end of Fall Out, what might the future hold for the man we know as Number six?

I'll be seeing you

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