Monday 26 March 2012

Thought For The Day

   Mrs Butterworth, true to her word, appears to have baked Number Six a cake. But not for his birthday, but for his unhappy return to the Village, seeing as there are only six candles on the cake.
   I have to say that Mrs Butterworth was well organised, well prepared, as she only had a day to get to the Village before the arrival of Number Six. What's more she found time to bake a cake along the way!
   So did Mrs Butterworth actually bake this cake herself, or did she communicate with a cook or chef in the Village ahead of her arrival to order the baking of the cake? And why is Mrs Butterworth the only Number Two to wear a 'negative' badge, and the only 'negative' badge to have a 'white' '2' when all the others are 'red?'
Be seeing you

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