Wednesday 25 April 2012

Caught On Camera

In this picture taken from routine surveillance film footage , and in the frame of film you can see a citizen walking along minding his own business. It is said that this gentleman is none other Clough Williams-Ellis architect and owner of Portmeirion at the time of 'the Prisoner.' But I have to say I have my doubts. And in the background outside Angel cottage is a parambulator, seen better in the picture below. So what about it? Well it shouldn't be there, the pram is a sign of the outside world, which is not wanted in the Village, but is a reminder that guests were actually staying in the Village at the time of the filming of 'the Prisoner' in Portmeirion, perhaps the true citizens of the Village, for a week or two. Just a thought, but that child in the pram will be Fourty-seven this year.



  1. My mother can be seen during the fairground scene in 'The Girl Who Was Death'. As she was pregnant with me at the time - I've often argued with members that I appeared in 'The Prisoner'!

    BCNU );oB

  2. Hello Steve,

    Well I'll be blowed, extraordinary. I myself cannot claim to be in 'the Prisoner, however my family name, Stimpson, is in the series, in Fall Out' to be precise. The Stimpson haulage lorry can be seen on the same road as that of the Scammell Highwayman transporter carrying the cage, as they drive past the Thatched Barn on the opposite carriageway.

    And Morag might be in the opening sequence of 'the Prisoner' as at the time it was filmed, Morag was in London travelling in a green Morris Minor excatly as the same as the one seen behind the Lotus as it turns into Abingdon Street. But we have never been able to decipher the number plate to make absolutely certain one way or the other.

    Be seeing you

  3. Fascinating! I hope it IS the same! If it's not a rude question - how old was Morag at the time? How she must wish she could turn back the clock.

    Typically, Karen Langley has a similar tale of witnessing the 'Fall Out' Articulated Lorry (complete with cage)during a visit to London in early '68 - but I've always been a sceptic!

    BCNU );oB

    1. Hello Steve,

      All Morag will allow me to say in this public domain is, that she is older than Karen Langley.
      And the amount of Six of One members who have claimed to have been at Portmeirion at the time of the filming of 'the Prisoner'!!!!!!! When most of them would have been at an age when they would have actually been in school at the time!

