Friday 13 April 2012

Arts And Crafts

     He Seeked her here, he seeked her there, but nothing could compare to the fun of the fair!   This from my portrait period, the bread and butter of some artists.



  1. ...and that's 'my' beloved Kursaal Fun Park in my hometown of Southend-on-Sea!

    It was sadly knocked down in the late 70's to make way for a housing estate, on which my best friend at the time lived.

    It was always poignant when I went round to visit, as the Council came up with the bright idea of naming the streets after rides that existed previously.

    I grew up in Southend at the best time throughout the 70's. I seldom return, since the environment and atmosphere has been ruined by the younger generation...I guess it's happening everywhere.

    Time to colonise Mars? Somehow the Village seems a little more inviting. (sigh...)

  2. Hi Steve,

    I went on holiday to Southed with my parents when I was a boy, forget which year, but it would be some time around that if 'the Prisoner,' give or take a year.

    Be seeing you
