Tuesday 24 April 2012

Postcard From The Village

    It's alright for Number 6 you know, a man with his abilities. But me, I'm a simple village citizen who cannot fly a helicopter, I could fell a tree but then it takes skill to hew the hull of a boat of said tree trunk. Besides what's the poiint in that? I can't navigate, let along make myself a homemade compass, or indeed a sea-going raft. I could make a run for it to the mountains, but then mountaineering isn't my forte either. I won't try by boat or stealing a taxi, as Number Six tried both of those things, and failed. I can swim, so perhaps my best bet for escape is to swim across the estuary to the far bank and then hide up during the day, and then make a break for it in the night. Wish me luck.
        Number 13


  1. I wonder if it is mere coincidence that there are six roads leading into the village and six roads leading out.

    But at least now you have your answer as to how the ice-cream and all those other goods arrived in the Village.

    1. Hello Moor,

      Six roads are certainly on the map of the Village, but whether they actually lead out of the Village is another matter. The milk, potatoes, the ice cream and the aspirin could arrive by land, sea, air, or even via that tunnel in 'Fall Out!'


    2. Yes, perhaps each pair of roads merely travels around those mountains and arrives back again. How annoying that would be... an escape to the same place you started... :-D

      I suppose if that were true, then there are only actually three roads. It's more confusing the less you know... :-D

      I cannot imagine air freight being economical, even for the village, which seems to have no budgets to worry about, but bulk-transport by helicopter certainly seems impractical, when you consider the population living in the village. Sea would be possible but the only place to tie up seems to be permanently occupied by the same boat - as if set in stone.

      I favour the roads being the way out as well as the way in, and we do get indications of them in some episodes, albeit they are closely patrolled by Rover and taxi's, perhaps leading No6 to conclude they were no solution to his problems, and I daresay it would be reasonable for him to assume they might even be garrisoned at the further ends, by whoever was responsible for security.

      The tunnel is a more interesting notion, but clearly entry was not so simple, as No6 seemd to have no idea of it's existence until almost the very end. I myself favoured the tunnel as being the ultimate way out.


  2. The Ultimate Question; How many roads must a man walk down?

    The Ultimate Answer; Six.

    "Nah - it doesn't work!"

    So long and thanks for all the fish... (BCNU) );oB

  3. There seems to be a problem in the cartography section.
    Roaming roads....
    Is there a Highways Supervisor in the village?



    1. Hello Moor,

      For me there are too many roads which appear to lead into and out of the Village. Too many roads which would need to be watched. Therefore they don't go nowhere!

      I used to think that the Map of Your Village used to represent that of Portmeirion. But since I first stayed there for a weeks holiday, I discovered that it dosn't!

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you
