Monday 2 April 2012

The Therapy Zone

The Uniformal Village

   At first glance you would be forgiven for thinking that uniforms are not worn by citizens of the village, Well of course the more you study what citizens are wearing, the more uniforms you see. Take the new No.2 of Arrival for example, he's wearing the exact clothes as No.6! All the No.2's, with the exception of Mary Morris Dance of the Dead, and Georgina Cookson Many Happy Returns, and the female interim No.2 of Its Your Funeral, actually wear the same uniform, grey polo-neck jersey, slacks, deck shoes, with the only choice of single or double breasted blazer - without piping. The gardeners, painter, electricians, and mechanics all wear the same dove-grey coloured overalls. The doctors wear the same uniform whether male or female, white coat, grey polo-neck jersey, slacks or skirt, and white shoes. As do nurses, medics, and hospital orderly's. And even the ordinary citizens wear the same uniform, with only slight variations.
   Yet there are signs of individualistic tendencies, as the out-going No.2 of Free for All wears a jacket different to those of his predecessors, in both cut, colour, and the jacket even has cuffs! Then there's the Butler and observers-No.240 of Dance of the Dead who both wear their colourful striped cloak inside out, a statement of individuality!

The Village - The Nightmare World Of Number Six

   And that being the case, why then do so many of us wish to infiltrate that nightmare world of the village? I know people who have said that they wouldn't mind being taken to the village. Well to that degree I suppose it all depends on how well your own world is, don't you think?
   On the other hand we all immerse ourselves in No.6's nightmare world of the village every time we watch an episode of the Prisoner series, purely as good escapism of course. After all, the more sane of us, wouldn't want to end up as No.6 now - would we?
   And as for those who wish have themselves taken to the village, if such a place actually existed, what would they wish to go as, Prisoners or warders? I can think of a number of old past friends who would much prefer to be a warder than a prisoner. For as prisoners they wouldn't hold out against the village for a week, but as warders, they could wield their power over the prisoners. I know people who would just love to be able to do that!
  Me? I'm just as much a prisoner as No.6 I'm afraid. And like him, I do not seek power for myself, only freedom.

A Trail within An Ordeal!

     And you thought Joseph K had it bad in Kafka's the Trial. But at least 'K' was only put on trial the once, not like No.6 who was put on trial within his already prolonged ordeal!

Be seeing you at the trial!

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