Sunday 8 April 2012

The Therapy Zone

Second Only To One

   Eric Portman, the very essence of a typical statesman, and consummate actor. He has a sharp line in repartee and coaxes No.6 into running for office in the forthcoming elections. As No.6 is just the sort of candidate they need, and besides No.2 holds out the tempting carrot on a stick "If you win, No.1 will no longer be a mystery to you, if you see what I mean."
    This particular No.2 is confident, he never makes mistakes, and doesn't underestimate his electoral opponent. He is always in control, and never flustered, this due to the careful planning which has gone into this plan, a character who thinks ahead, and has the situation well in hand, and assisted by No.58 who supervises No.6 for most of the time, and the brewer/scientist, to administer a further dose of drug, in the cave of the Therapy Zone. Always remembering that they must not damage the tissue.
   At times No.2 might seem bumbling and weighed down with responsibility, and fatalistic, but this is merely to increase No.6's feeling of self-importance
   This No.2 takes the loss of the election calmly. There are no hard feelings as he too casts his vote in favour of No.6, who has an overwhelming majority - 100% in fact. But then everyone votes for a dictator!
    Taking part in the elections, which were never real elections in the first place, was this No.2's parting action. He leaves the village by helicopter - which he pilots himself, asking the New No.2 on the telephone if everything went according to plan.
     His opinion and given toast in the cave of the Therapy Zone "To hell with the village!" We can never be sure if he is simply acting for the benefit of No.6, because no.2 was never drunk, or whether because his term of office is drawing to an end, that No.2 is expressing a true opinion, such is the conviction in his voice.
    At the end in the foyer of the Green Dome, we witness the changeover between the departing No.2 and his successor, the new No.2. But by the time of the end of the episode Free For All, we discover that the elections are indeed nothing more than a complete farce, as the new No.2 is really the person of No.58!

  Patrick McGoohan elected as the new No.2, by the citizens of this community!
    "No.2, No.2, we want No.2, No.2, No.2, No.2" the gathered crowd shouted outside the Town Hall. And it was on the steps of the Town hall, that the out-going No.2 introduced the new No.2 to the citizens, and the silence was deafening!
    I suppose one could say that No.6 did win the election, with a 100% majority, but then "Everyone votes for a dictator" to use No.6's own words. Because just as soon as he attains his office he's telling the citizens that he is in control, that he will immobilise all electronic controls. "Listen to me you are free, free, free to go, free to go, free to go. Obey me and be free....." And the two key words are - OBEY ME - this new No.2 hasn't been in power five minutes and he is already trying to force his will upon the people, which in my book probably makes him  a worse No.2 that his predecessors so far.
   Yet his term of office is short lived, and probably the shortest of any No.2 to date. It was all a farce, in an attempt to break No.6's spirit, to demonstrate No.2 and his administrations ability to manipulate the citizens of the community. An administrative ability of manipulation which No.6 has yet to master it seems.

Be seeing you in the forthcoming elections. You'll be voting for me of course.......

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